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Showing posts from January, 2020

Psychotherapy In New York

Psychotherapy In New York Psychotherapy in New York is a very much needed space.   People in this day and age are withstanding pressures and stresses that we haven't experienced in years past.   With the booming of social media and other amazing things all at our fingertips, our brains are becoming more and more stimulated. This stimulation isn't always a good thing and we sometimes need safe ways to handle these stresses.    With the added stresses comes more anxiety issues and alongside anxiety is depression.   All of this can be safely discussed in a therapy session any experienced psychotherapist you are comfortable with. New York Psychotherapist There are a variety of reasons to need a psychotherapist in New York .   Remember that we are all built over time by our environment and responses.   This means that we could be carrying around some deep-rooted anger or anguish that you don't even remember or haven't thought about for y...

Anxiety At Night

Anxiety At Night Is anxiety keeping you up at night?  It’s a big problem for many.  Lights are off, it gets quiet and all you have is your thoughts. You think about your day, week, month, year, and or your entire life at times when trying to fall asleep. It can keep you up, even for hours. The night seems to be the perfect time for your mind to spin. The “what” thoughts seem to come out after dark. What if this, or what of that? It’s not fun at all. I have been dealing with anxiety for over 20 years and it seems it’s worst at night.  The anxiety can even end up in my dreams causing me to wake up in a panic, sweating. Science will tell us that at night the melatonin production goes up, telling our mind and body it’s time to go to sleep.   For someone with anxiety, the mind is fighting this.   There is less distraction at night usually, therefor the mind has more time to play, which may cause panic attacks. ...